local_library On That Winter Sunday

by Austin Davis

Published in Issue No. 243 ~ August, 2017

On that winter Sunday

as we stood by your front step,


the December breeze chilled

the stringy bones of that oak


just enough to nudge its

last aging hair into heaven.


The grey raindrops tiptoed

with their hats hung low

past the screen door


while the soft tulips

slouched on your skin,


thwarted like yellowed cigarette burns

in the flurries of scorching white.



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Austin Davis is a poet living in Mesa, Arizona. Most recently his work has been featured in Sleet Magazine and Poetry Super Highway and he was recently nominated for The Best of the Net Award. Also, Austin has a chapbook forthcoming from Fowlpox Press and one of his poems is going to be read live on WMNR Radio in New York later this year.