local_library Ode to My Sneeze

by Rosabelle Illes

Published in Issue No. 249 ~ February, 2018

I cannot risk freedom for the sake of a sermon
or a welcoming speech from the queen
I must echo liberty

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I am a poet, writer and performer from the island of Aruba. I am the author of two poetry books (Beyond Insanity, 2005 & Spiel di mi Alma, 2010). My third book TITLE (2017), includes short stories, poems and thoughts. My work usually explores topics and aspects of life I do not understand. Meditation and achieving sporadic moments of zero state brings about inspiration clarifying the blur. By receiving inspiration to subsequently produce, I educate myself. With every work of art, I become more curious as to what the truth of the following moment will become. By refraining myself from fanatical closure, I practice flexibility. The goal of course is to transform sporadic inspiration into sustained awareness.