local_library One Cat’s Dream

by Joy Ueno

Published in Issue No. 253 ~ June, 2018

One Cat’s Dream


is to lean into

the lion

in the mirror

and not trust

the sun again


he watches the world


from inside

the rescue center where

he avoids teens

with plastic

bags and duct tape

cleans the angry sores paws

the king-sized cage

hisses god’s name

then curls in a ball

for days

he hides under

a thirdhand Mexican blanket

but rises on

unsteady legs

to chow down

on grilled steak

at last

he licks the chubby hands

his love

at last

like water escaping


he leans into

the lion

in the mirror

and begins to trust

the sun again

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Joy Ueno has grown up in southern California, where she currently resides. In her spare time, she enjoys watching roller derby, reading literature of all shapes and sizes, and trying out recipes on her friends and family.