local_library Good Will

by Diane Corson

Published in Issue No. 270 ~ November, 2019

A last act of good will

would be to stand and talk to the sea—

it might answer

in a low melodic tone

in a whisper,

“I love you all.”


its voice, historic in that

it would echo over the land

—wave after wave—


a mistaken continuum of eternity

—now, a concept

of human error—


the under-dark of the seas of the self

repeated as a wave washed


—still unable to hear

the humans—

swept under, wave

—after wave

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Most of her life, Diane Corson found her poetry, words floated on rivers, hanged in trees, until, more than thirty years ago she began to write her words on paper in a darkened theatre while at a film festival. In the last five years as a transplant to the Northwest, she writes and gives poetry readings. She hosts a salon for poetry readings in their home, Salon Argyle, in north Portland. She was a featured poet at a public event for the Portland Transit System. She is a member of the executive board of the Oregon Poetry Association, a co-curator for the Free Range Poetry series, and is active in several critique groups. Diane Corson’s poetry is in the collection of Oregon Poetry at the University of Oregon Library. Her work has been published in the 2003 Poetry Anthology, Theory Magazine, Terratory Journal, the North Coast Squid, Cirque Journal, 2017, Cirque Journal, 2018, and Terra Incognita. Diane Corson has written and designed four chapbooks: Poor Tree, 2013, elemental, 2016, and There Being: Interiority, 2018. She has an art and design degree from Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, where she lived a fairly primitive life for thirty years before moving to the Pacific Northwest.