local_library Keeping the Dead Company

by Cindy Rinne

Published in Issue No. 277 ~ June, 2020

A child shot by Artemis’ poison arrow—

fears the sting.

Head bent forward, hand in a fist

one glass step at a time.


Flames ripple as fragrance singes

with cinnamon and cane.

Is she alive in young grasses?

Flash of violet, stone child’s spirit descends.


Her mother travels to the center of the earth.

Weeps without pause

about to kiss her cold daughter.

Stars fade as silence surrounds.


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Cindy Rinne creates fiber art and writes in San Bernardino, CA. She was Poet in Residence for the Neutra Institute Gallery and Museum, Los Angeles, CA. Cindy collaborates in Performance Poetry using her own costume creations based on her books. A Pushcart nominee. Cindy is the author of several books: Knife Me Split Memories (Cholla Needles Press), Letters Under Rock with Bory Thach, (Elyssar Press), Moon of Many Petals (Cholla Needles Press), and others. Her poetry appeared or is forthcoming in: Anti-Heroin Chic, Unpsychology Magazine, MORIA, several anthologies, and others. www.fiberverse.com