local_library Fixing Me

by John Dorroh

Published in Issue No. 280 ~ September, 2020


You promise to wind the key

at the bottom of my spine and

make me well again, push me

towards the reeds that hide

the lake so well.


I keep waiting, thinking I’m

asking the right questions but

all I get is a blank stare. I think

you know that


by my own volition I am not

exactly cursed except for the

idea of being stuck here forever

and a day.


“Walk,” you say, “walk well,

do not look back. Go to the water.”

It is not deep near the shore unless

it’s a trick.

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John Dorroh may have taught high school science for a few decades. Whether he did is still being discussed. His poetry has appeared in over 60 journals, including North Dakota Quarterly, Dime Show Review, Selcouth Station, Os Pressan, and Red Dirt Forum/Press. He also writes short fiction and the occasional rant.