local_library The Year My Son Turned Eight

by Eve Lyons

Published in Issue No. 289 ~ June, 2021

He couldn’t have a party because of the pandemic

He FaceTimed and Zoomed and Messenger Kidded

Smashed a pinata shaped like a Covid-19 molecule

Unexpectedly got to sled in April.


He FaceTimed and Zoomed and Messenger Kidded

We woke up to snow

Unexpectedly got to sled in April.

He requested to stay in his pajamas all day


We woke up to snow

Ordered take out breakfast from the diner down the street

He requested to stay in his pajamas all day

Watched the finale of LegoMasters


Ordered take out breakfast from the diner down the street

Made a giant chocolate chip cookie instead of cake

Watched the finale of LegoMasters

“it’s not the same as a regular birthday but it’s pretty good.”


My son thinks cookies are better than cake

He couldn’t have a party because of the pandemic

Life is pretty good still

Smashed a pinata shaped like a Covid-19 molecule.


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I am a poet and fiction writer living in the Boston area. My work has appeared in Lilith. Hip Mama, Mutha Magazine, Word Riot, Dead Mule of Southern Literature, as well as other magazines and several anthologies. My first book of poetry is due out in May of 2020 by WordTech Communications.