local_library All Things Must Pass

by Kellee Kranendonk

Published in Issue No. 293 ~ October, 2021

Spiralling, falling, into the dark

Scary; haunted echoes

No light, but

The glow from the claw marks

On the walls

Sheened over with ebony

Grasping, slipping, no light to see

In the middle of nowhere

Voices whisper “Give up”

I long to; no energy to fight

But instinct is strong

And I ache to endure

So I fake it ‘til it’s true

My shoulders grow bigger,

Grow stronger

Believe that beyond

The darkness, the scars

A light still remains


The darkness, it squeezes

Exhausting my brain

Locking me into

That place in my head

Insanity pleads

Begs hard to be free

Am I going crazy?

I just want to stop

All the hurting, the suffering

The dread vibes I feel

I need to believe

That all things must pass

It’s hard to push forward

Without any aim

The struggle is real; I

Can’t stop the fall

But if you will help me

I’ll climb out of the pit


Into the light

Where shines the sun

Anxiety buried

With memories and shame

I’ll need your support

To help me get through

The darkness that follows

And remains in my soul

I’ve found you at last

You saved me from Hell

And brightened my life

With patience and love

I thought all was lost

There with the pain

But now things make sense

Again and for once

‘Cause all things must pass

Even dashed hopes



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Kellee Kranendonk has spent a lifetime writing. According to her late grandfather she was born with a pen in one hand and paper in the other. Her first publication, in a local farming magazine, was a piece about the raven that tormented her goat. Since then, her stories, poems and articles for both children and adults have appeared in many magazines, in e-format and hard copy. Kellee is the Fiction editor for the online magazine, Youth Imagination. She lives in Atlantic Canada with her husband, two of three children, an ADHD dog, two cockatiels (one of whom lived as a male until “he” laid an egg at six years old), and several chickens.