account_circle by Alain Marciano
Alain Marciano lives in Montpellier (France). Besides teaching, drawing and writing short-fiction, he also writes poetry. His piems have been published in print and on the internet in magazines like “Dead Flowers (a poetry rag)”, "Ink, sweat and tears", "The Rampallian", "Collective exile", "Shelf life magazine", "Decades Review", the "Nostrovia! Poetry’s Milk and Honey Siren anthology", "Gloom Cupboard", "Scissors and Spackle."


Dead or Alive

Issue No. 203 ~ April, 2014

LOOK AT HER, undulating like a snake and disguised as a goddess. Anyway, she's more life in her than most people I know. Vibrates. And it's still a good Sunday.
