pages Micro-Fiction Archives


Issue No. 219 ~ August, 2015

The train pulled into the station. It was in, it was sitting in the station. Platforms aligned, were they, yes, with the level of the doors. Maybe a song enters the head, or leaves it, if headphones are shed. They are being shed, still. An …

Sketches from a Life of a Police Sketch Artist

Issue No. 218 ~ July, 2015

While the witness was describing the perp, he thought that surely he’ll get caught, sketch or not. All that’s needed is to put a description on the APB: “male, medium size, face like a arch-villain.”

The Dissidents

Issue No. 218 ~ July, 2015

Why are they sitting with their backs to the window? Don’t they know better? Haven’t they read “The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception”? Or is the notion of martyrdom something they are toying with?


Issue No. 218 ~ July, 2015

She was bucktooth and had a face like milk and her hips sang and all the boys wanted to be with Momma, but she didn’t want any of them, and she would run from them and call them lil’ boys, and everybody knew that, but the boys still kept coming.

The Actress

Issue No. 216 ~ May, 2015

ANGEL JUST HIT 42. It feels like a crash. She’s been acting thirty years and fears the bloom is off the rose.

Broken Houses

Issue No. 216 ~ May, 2015

The two of them moved here in October, and they'll be moving again before school starts, and we need to find that broken-down house soon because it'll be our last chance.

Me vs You

Issue No. 216 ~ May, 2015

I was also a baby in bar-cafes with linoleum table tops and wooden bars. There were cigarette machines with the cowboy Marlboro Man and abuelitos drinking agua ardiente in their cortados. “You could smoke in cafes then?” Yeah, you still can.

Keep Cool

Issue No. 212 ~ January, 2015

Did you hear about the big fight at the candy store? Yeah, a lollipop got licked.