local_library Consider the Rain

by Rodd Whelpley

Published in Issue No. 250 ~ March, 2018
I can’t figure the dog.

Don’t see how the beta fish


for four months has survived

the ten gallons


of our sketchy water.

Don’t comprehend


my friend, what he does

in the next office


the eight hours

the company owns us.


Consider, then, the rain.

The wax on these floors.


The miracle: your rattling keys

at the door


each night

these many


many years.

As if you have


no better choice.

But you return


to this imperfect place,

where I will always


find you.

Because you love.


Because you’re you.

Because –


it’s as if

long ago



someone also whispered

in your ear


a common prophesy –



about home. Something

about a bridge.

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Rodd Whelpley is an “outside the academy” poet interested in the intersection, operation and value of poetry in the work-a-day world. He manages an electric efficiency program for 32 cities across Illinois and lives near Springfield with his wife, son and memories of good Golden Retrievers. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, 2River View, *82 Review, Right Hand Pointing, Shot Glass Journal, Spillway, The Naugatuck River Review, Eunoia Review, Antiphon, The Chagrin River Review and other journals.